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We believe that we are teaching our children in more ways than just the academic ones.

St Francis of Assisi at Newton is more than a school.  We are a school community, made up of children, their parents and families, volunteers and helpers of many kinds and there are many opportunities for you to be involved in the life of your school beyond the classroom.

Our community has the following features:

  • Canteen. The school has a canteen where children may buy their recess and lunch five days a week. The Canteen Staff with parents who volunteer their time to the school - follow healthy eating guidelines and provide many healthy food options for our students.
  • OSHC. We have an Out of School Hours Care Program on site, run by the school. Our aim is to provide quality before and after school care for the students of St Francis Of Assisi.
  • School Sports. St Francis of Assisi school has a strong history in sporting achievements.  Physical fitness and health is a key part of a child's learning and we also participate in many community sports.
  • St Francis of Assisi Early Learning Centre and Playgroup. St Francis of Assisi Early Learning Shining Stars acknowledges the importance of early learning and aims to help Children develop social skills and language through creative play and develop a readiness for school. Playgroup is a wonderful opportunity for children to develop important skills early in their lives, to meet and connect with other children and for parents to form friendships and support networks as well.
  • Volunteers.  We have a number of parents, family and friends who volunteer their time to contribute to the school.
  • School Board and Parent Body. The School Board and the Parents and Friends Association are driven by our parent body and ensuring parent needs are at the forefront of school discussions.