Book a Tour

For Our Parents

School Hours

Students are expected to arrive at school by 8:50am.
The yard is supervised from 8:30 am everyday.

8:30 am: Supervision of Yard, Playground
8:55 am: Music stops. Classroom Doors Open
9.00 am: Lessons Begin

10.50 am: Recess
11:15 am: Lessons Resume

12:40 pm: Eating Time
12:50 pm: Lunch Play
1:25 pm: Lessons Resume

3:00 pm: End of School Day Bell
3:30 pm: End of Kiss N Drop Supervision

2025 Term Dates

Term 1: 28 January to 11 April
Term 2: 28 April to 4 July
Term 3: 21 July to 26 September
Term 4: 13 October to 12 December

2025 Public Holidays

New Year's Day: Wednesday 1 January
Australia Day: Monday 27 January
Adelaide Cup Day: Monday 10 March
Good Friday: Friday 18 April
Easter Saturday: Saturday 19 April
Easter Sunday: Sunday 20 April
Easter Monday: Monday 21 April
ANZAC Day: Friday 25 April
King's Birthday: Monday 9 June
Labour Day: Monday 6 October
Christmas Day: Thursday 25 December
Proclamation Day: Friday 26 December

Other key details for parents

Front Office Hours: 8:30am to 4:00pm

General Messages: +61 08 8178 9900 (outside of Office hours)

Student Absentee: Please submit an absentee form via the SkoolBag app.

Late Arrival: Students who arrive after 9:00am are to report to the office, with their  parent/caregiver, who will  sign in at the school office. A late sign in  card is then taken to be given to the class teacher. 

Early Departure: Should any child need to leave the school grounds during school hours e.g. dental/doctor appointment, parental permission must be given. All students must be signed out by their parent/carer at the School Front Office a  'signed out' card is then collected and given to the class teacher before the student can leave the school.

Absence from school: Please inform the school each day when your child is absent from school, due to illness, appointment, etc. An 'Unexplained absences' text message  will be sent to the parent/caregiver after 9.30am if your child is not at school without an explanation. 

Students On Holiday, etc during school terms: Please notify the School Office. The Government requires an ‘Exemption from School Approval form’ to be completed. 

SkoolBag app - please down load the SkoolBag app on your phone to keep up with school communications and for all school absentees. SkoolBag app instructions here.

QKR app - For easy quick payments for school lunches, fees, special events, extra cirricular sport and camps. QKR app instructions here

Police Checks: Please enquire at the School Office for Police Check information. You cannot volunteer without it! Police Clearances Expire after 5 years.

Lost Property: Please come in regularly during the term to look for lost items. Lost Property is kept in the School Office. 

Mobile Phones: Mobile phones are not to be brought to school by students unless directed by a parent for a specific reason. Please speak to staff re the Mobile Phone Policy. 

Ambulance Cover - school attendance only: The school has membership.  If you receive an account for an ambulance conveyance from the school, please send the account to the School Office.

Change of Contact Information: fill in the form on the Change of Information page to update your school records.

Catholic School Parents South Australia (CSPSA)

Catholic School Parents South Australia (CSPSA) promotes and supports parents and families by providing a voice for education and issues which affect their children.

CSPSA is an advocate for the families, parents and carers of children in Catholic schools, Catholic early learning centres and pre-schools.

The organisation believes that:

  • All children have the opportunity to access a quality education, allowing each child to reach his or her potential; and
  • School and family collaboration is essential to successful spiritual, academic and developmental growth.

CSPSA aims to build an environment where parents can be empowered to take an active role as the primary educators of their children