Week 7, Term 3 2023
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Our Book Week Parade was a spectacular success and it was lovely to see so many people engaged with it. The Book Week Parade has become a cultural icon across the whole country and every year we see parents on Social Media organising their child’s costume. It truly is one of the highlights of the school year.
CYBER SAFETY Following up from the last newsletter, SAPOL came to speak with our Year 5s and 6s. We cannot emphasise enough the importance of you having open and frank conversations with your children about their use of Social Media and Messaging websites. Most of the available apps have a minimum age limit of 13, which excludes the vast majority of our children. Websites like commonsensemedia.org give good parental advice. It suggests that an app like Snapchat for example is inappropriate for children under the age of 16. If your child is wanting to participate with social messaging apps and websites, please be familiar with what they are doing and who they are liaising with.
Enrolments 2024. If you know of a little one who will be coming to school next year, please encourage their parents to contact us so we have a place for them. If you know your child will not be returning to St Francis of Assisi School next year,please let us know if you have not already. If your child is in Year 6 this year, are they enrolled somewhere for Year 7 next year?
We have some community events coming up in the next few weeks. Please make yourself aware of our calendar.
PUPIL FREE Days Friday 22 September and Monday 25 September due to the Montevergine Festa utilising our school grounds.
Peace and blessings
Kerri Dent
Acting Co-Principal
National Child Protection Week
This week is Child Protection Week and the overarching message is ‘Every child in every community needs a fair go’. This message captures the essence of National Child Protection Week which aims to promote a safe and supported life for every child, now and into the future. The Catholic Church in Australia marks Safeguarding Sunday (formerly Child Protection Sunday) this Sunday 10th September, at the conclusion of National Child Protection Week. Safeguarding Sunday seeks to acknowledge the immense damage caused by the sexual abuse of children and adults at risk, including by priests, religious and lay people within Catholic contexts. It makes a commitment to practices and protocols that create and maintain safe environments for all people. It invites people to pray for those harmed by abuse directly and indirectly.
You can find out more about the Church’s work in this area at: www.catholic.au/s/article/safeguardingsunday2023
You will find our Commitment Statement in our front office which outlines the Catholic Archdiocese Schools Commitment to keeping children safe in our setting. We are commitment to child protection by adopting measures to ensure the safety of all, for example teacher training, volunteer checks and ensuring our children’s voices are heard. Resources can be found at: https://www.napcan.org.au/ncpw-theme/.
A Prayer for National Child Protection Week
Gracious God,
you said let the children come to me.
The hurt felt by those wounded by abuse weighs heavily upon us.
Often trust has been eroded when institutions failed to appropriately respond to their needs.
Lord, we as your Church stand in need of your healing and help.
We ask you God, to strengthen and guide all in our communities.
Grant us wisdom in our time to make decisions that protect children and the vulnerable.
May our families and communities, through love, generosity,
commitment and patience build stronger communities safe for children.
Let your grace and love fall gently upon our children
giving them the inner strength, peace and resilience they will need for their life’s journey.
We ask you God to help our communities to be resolute in building communities where our children both flourish and are safe.
We pray this all through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Sacrament Program
The Sacrament Program is about to begin. Thankyou to those parents who have already paid and registered their child for the 2023/2024 Sacramental Program. If you are yet to do this please fill out the registration form and hand DIRECTLY to the Parish Office with payment. Opening hours Mon-Fri 10am-4pm. All payments and registration go directly through the parish office as it is a parish-based program. If you have misplaced your registration form or would like to enrol your child it is not too late. Forms and an information letter is available in our school office in the pamphlet stand.
Family Workshops are a compulsory part of the Program as they prepare children for making the sacraments. These family workshops are for all children from the school and parish who are preparing for sacraments. The first workshop is next week.
- Workshop 1: Term 3 - Wednesday, Week 8, 13th September – 7pm in Parish Hall
Please contact me if you have any questions regarding the Sacrament Program. mcanil@sfoa.catholic.edu.au
Melissa Canil

If your child would like to play Netball for the 2023/2024 summer season please complete the registration form and payment via the QKR app ONLY before 8th September 2023.
When: Term 4 2023 & Term 1 2024
11&Under and 13&Under – Fridays from 5pm
7&Under and 9&Under – Mondays from 5pm (Netta Modified Rules)
Where: Golden Grove Recreation Centre, The Golden Way, Golden Grove
Uniform: SFOA Netball Dress (supplied by the school, to be returned end of season)
*** Failure to return the dress at the end of the season will incur a $60 replacement fee***
Cost: $40 via QKR app – includes registration, use of uniform, equipment
$8 per week - game fee paid on the night
Please note the following:
- Teams can ONLY be formed if there are enough registered players by the 8th September AND there is a dedicated coach or team manager.
- When registering on the QKR app please provide your bank details for return of payment in the event a team for your child does not go ahead.
- Volunteers for Coach/Team Manager must be a registered volunteer at the school with a Working with Children Check (WWCC). Please indicate on the form if you are willing to coach a team.
- Once registered, the commitment is for the full season. Refunds are not given for change of mind.
NO LATE Registrations will be accepted.
Any questions please call the school on 8178 9900
Angela Abdilla

Please ensure all reading records are signed off and handed in by Friday 8 September

Important Dates
9:00am Class Liturgy - 1/2LM
Special Food Day - Zeppole ORDERS CLOSE ON QKR! TONIGHT
Adelaide Zoo Excursion - Year 1/2
R U OK? Day
8:55am Community Prayer - Lead by 5/6JH
2:15pm Assembly - Lead by 1/2LM
School Concert
Pupil Free Day
Pupil Free Day
Sports Day
P&F Quiz Night
Is your child due to start school?

SFOA Merchandise

SFOA Umbrellas are now available on the QKR! app. Get your orders in quick - limited stock available!

CLICK HERE to enrol online!
Available before / after school hours with Vacation Care during school holidays.
Uniform Shop
Opening Hours & Uniform Prices
By Appointment Only: BOOK HERE
10 Newton Road, Campbelltown
Phone: 8336 2602
Parish Bulletin

Latest Parish bulletin available here
The Southern Cross Newsletter

Catholic Schools Magazine
