St Francis of Assisi School Newsletter Week 6 Term 1 5.03.2024
Hi all,
We have just tipped over the halfway point of the term, and with 4 out of the next 6 weeks being short weeks the term is speeding along. Thank you for a wonderful community event at our Launch Night. I loved the pace of the event where I was able to introduce myself to many families and have some brief conversations and chats. It was warm no doubt (will it ever rain again?) but to have that turnout was a strong sign of the strength of this community.
I have appreciated the positive feedback around the Principal’s Address aspect of the night. I’m hopeful that as a collection of parents you can understand the vision for the school and how we will work together in that space to achieve this.
School Theme
Our theme for the school year is 'Connecting in, Reaching out'. This theme will extend over until the end of 2025 and will guide our work as a community.
Reaching out
A theme allows us to work together as a community on a shared goal. As I reflected at the Launch Night, we are moving closer to our 60th anniversary as a school. That gives us a significant history which stretches across 3 to 4 generations of people. We have always existed on the same site as a huge part of the Newton community. It's time as a school to embrace the significance of that. We need to 'reach out' to the community and find ways for our students to contribute to the fabric of Newton and the wider Campbelltown Council area.
We have some exciting connections underway currently, including with local hospitality businesses and community organisations that I think we can work with in benefiting our children. As these connections and partnerships are established, I’ll be announcing them to our community. There is a letter at the front office which I have drafted which you can take on behalf of myself to community organisations. Please ask for this and let me know where you are taking it to so I don’t look surprised if I receive a phone call or an email.
Connecting in
The Connecting in part of our theme encompasses reviewing many of the current practices that we have undertaken as a school and looking for points of growth in them. How can we be an efficient place of high-quality teaching and learning? How can we ensure all families are supported? As I mentioned in the launch night, as a leadership team and as a staff we are paddling away under the surface in a huge number of areas from internal processes, teaching and learning, communication with families to ensure we have points of connection across the site that are established and meaningful.
On Tuesday the 19th of March the school will be holding their AGM in the library from 7pm. As we have several Board members who have ended their tenures, we are looking for new members. There has never been a better time to join the school board as the school is in a position of growth and the development of a school master plan.
What is the commitment?
The School Board meets twice a term to discuss the strategic endeavours of the school, discuss the current financial position of the school and hear various reports from key stakeholders involved in managing the running of a school. Please send me an email if you are interested in joining the school board and we can put your name forward for nomination. Each Board member completes a two-year tenure, with the maximum of six years on the board as total.
Scott March
As we journey through Lent, classes are exploring Lenten Promises and how they can make changes to become closer to Jesus.
Lent is about opening ourselves to someone else, about stretching ourselves, so that we can become closer to God. I love Pope Francis’ reframing of Lent which calls us from darkness into light. Pope Francis says “I invite every Christian community this Lent to set aside moments to rethink their lifestyles, times to examine their presence in society, and the contribution they make to its betterment.”
Pope Francis calls us to….
Fast from hurting words and say kind words.
Fast from sadness and be filed with gratitude.
Fast from anger and be filled with patience.
Fast from pessimism and be filled with hope,
Fast from worries and trust in God.
Fast from complaints and contemplate simplicity.
Fast from pressures and be prayerful.
Fast from bitterness and fill your heart with joy.
Fast from selfishness and be compassionate to others.
Fast from grudge and be reconciled.
Fast from words and be silent so you can listen.
2024 marks 60 years of Caritas Australia making a difference “For All Future Generations” (our 2024 theme). Each family has a Project Compassion box this Lent and I thank you for your generous support in raising funds for people living in some of the most vulnerable communities across the world. Project Compassion boxes can be returned at the end of the term. Next week our Social Justice Leaders will be selling some items to raise money to go towards this cause.
Wellbeing News
This term, every student in a Catholic School, including our students, will participate in a simple online Classroom Pulse Check in. The Check In has been developed to ascertain how students are currently feeling about their experience in schools. It is tailored to allow teachers to check in and provide immediate feedback and support to students. This Check In is completed in Week 5 & 6 every term and we track the data to ensure we keep our pulse on student wellbeing.
One way of ensuring students wellbeing is at the forefront of our practice is implementing the Berry Street Education Model at St Francis of Assisi. This model is based on proven positive education, trauma-informed and wellbeing practices that encourage students to achieve personal and academic growth. Over the past 2 years as we implemented this practice, we have seen a change in our classroom environments as children learn strategies to engage in their learning and build positive relationships.
Have you heard your child mention “focus plan”?
Has your child taught you a “brain break”?
Have you heard of a “circle greeting”?
Focus Plan
A focus plan is a plan that each student at St Francis has. The students create the plan themselves by recognising triggers that cause them to feel escalated, how that makes them feel and choosing de-escalation strategies that help them feel calm and ready to learn.
Brain Break
Brain breaks are small activities that students participate in throughout the day, whether it is at the beginning of the lesson to get ready to learn or during a lesson to re-energise the brain. Brain breaks are proven to improve students engagement in learning.
Circle Greeting
Every morning every class does a circle greeting as a way of connecting with each other and improving relationships within the class. The greeting starts with one person and they greet the person next to them, then the greeting works it’s way around the circle so that every person is greeted by someone. The children love this activity!
Melissa Canil

Dear Parents,
Parent Teacher Interview 2024 are scheduled for Week 7. 12th March to the 15th March 2024 Bookings for this can only be made ONLINE.
Please use the following URL to access the online booking site:
Parents have from today 29/02/2024 until 11/3/2024, 4pm ONLY to make an online booking with their child's teacher. After this time/date the online booking system will close, Parents will no longer be able to book an interview or change their times but can view their booked times.
If your child is in Kayla Russel's class, 5R, please ensure you click into the booking round which is solely for the class 5R to make your booking. 5R parent teacher Interviews will be from the 25th March to 28th March.
If your child is in Kane Hetherington's class, 6K, your parent Teacher Interviews will be take place in early term 2.
Some points to remember:
- Bookings can be made ONLY using the above URL.
- Bookings open 29/02/2024 and close 11/3/2024 at 4pm.
- Please ensure you your child's year level for 2024 is correct. If incorrect you will need to edit your child's details/class at the start after you have logged in. Click on the edit button and change their year level to the correct year level.
- Ensure you have chosen the correct 2024 class for your child/children and are not booking them into the wrong class.
- Please use this link if you need any help with booking a time:

At the end of 2023, Peter, Phillip and I were successful in winning our school a spot to be part of the East Waste Schools Program, a new partnership program between KESAB and East Waste. The main focus of the program is to support schools to engage in sustainable action within their communities. As a Catholic Earth Care School, this program will help to strengthen our school-wide action in order to visibly live out our Franciscan charism together as a community.
Throughout the year, we will have access to resources, information and different complimentary sessions, including a free whole school Wipe Out Waste (WOW) interactive show which was held last Monday. The incursion performance was delivered by Graeme from Bright Spark Entertainment and focused on this year’s program theme ‘Food waste reduction and diversion.’
This is just the beginning of our involvement with the East Waste Schools Program and positively initiates a school wide conversation about the role that we can all play in striving to Wipe Out Waste. As part of this program today our Year 6 Sustainability Leaders hosted Jo Hendrikx from KESAB to complete a preliminary Waste Audit. To support the data collected through the audit, we would appreciate families taking a few minutes to also complete the Home Survey below. These QR codes are also located around the school for those able to spend a few minutes completing the survey before or after school.
The results from the audit will be compiled and sent back to us in the coming weeks with some school-based recommendations and ideas, which our Year 6 Environmental Leaders will then help share with our school community, before collaboratively planning for and taking informed action to continue helping to make SFOA a sustainable place to be amongst our wider community.
Thank you for your ongoing support with this important work.
Kind regards,
Rachael Verringer (Ecology POR)

The school soccer season is about to start again and we have brand new uniforms for our soccer stars.
Please see the attached information about registering your child for the school soccer season.
The season begins Saturday 13th May until Saturday 26th August 2024.
Games will be any time between 8am and 12 noon depending on the number of teams in the competition.
Registration is for every Saturday for the whole season.
Cost per child for the season is $75.
Please see the QKR app to register your child and pay for the season

Dear Parents,
We are looking for players to join the St Francis of Assisi Netball teams the Sapphires and the Diamonds. Male or females can play as it is a mixed team competition.
Netball is being played for the Winter season,Term 2, 2024 and Term 3, 2024, at Golden Grove Recreation Centre.
7&Under and 9&Under play on a Monday afternoons from 5pm.
11&Under and 13&Under play on a Friday afternoons from 5pm..
Payment is via the QKR app.
Registrations close 24th March.
Please see attached for more information.

Welcome to Children’s University for 2024.
General information regarding Children’s is available through the QR CODE LINK.
Registration is now open via the QR CODE LINK.
Applications close on Sunday 17th March 2024 and payments are processed via QKR.
For further information regarding Children’s University, please follow the following links:
See how the process works.

Just a reminder that this Friday 8th March is a pupil free day while staff undertake important training.
OSHC is available onsite and bookings are essential.
Monday the 11th March is the Adelaide Cup Public Holiday.
Enjoy your long weekend we will see you back on Tuesday 12th March.

Please find attached the St Francis of Assisi School calender for Term 1 2024

Important Dates
Auto Italia Car Show
Parent Teacher Interview week Tues-Fri
Sacramental Workshop #2 - 7pm in the Parish Hall
Community Prayer - 8.55am led by 1/2TC
Class Liturgy 3/4D
Year 6 Reflection Day
Assembly 2:15pm in MPF led by 5R
Easter Week Community prayer 8.55am - Palm Sunday led by 1/2V
Holy Week Community prayer 8.55am - The Last Supper led by 3/4Z
Holy Week Community Prayer 8.55am - Stations of the Cross led by 6V
NAPLAN week - Monday 18th March - Friday 22nd March
Good Friday - 29th March
PUPIL FREE DAY - Monday 7th June - OSHC available
PUPIL FREE DAY- Monday 22nd July and 27th September - OSHC available
PUPIL FREE DAY Friday 14th December - OSHC available
Is your child due to start school?

SFOA Merchandise

SFOA Umbrellas are now available on the QKR! app. Get your orders in quick - limited stock available!

CLICK HERE to enrol online!
Available before / after school hours with Vacation Care during school holidays.
The Southern Cross Newsletter

Uniform Shop
Opening Hours & Uniform Prices
By Appointment Only: BOOK HERE
10 Newton Road, Campbelltown
Phone: 8336 2602
Parish Bulletin

Latest Parish bulletin available here
Catholic Schools Magazine
