St Francis of Assisi School Newsletter Term 3 Week 2 31.07.2024
Dear Families,
Term 3 presents us with so many opportunities to come together as a community and Grandparents Day was such a beautiful way to start the Term. We welcomed close to 300 grandparents and special friends to our school. The liturgy was beautiful, and the children sang with gusto and listened attentively.
I mentioned at the liturgy how special the role Grandparents play for many families in our school. I truly believe the role has changed as the world has become more complex over the past couple of decades. Grandparents often play the role of picking up and dropping off at school, attending sports trainings and looking after children in the evenings as parents attend meetings or events with their other children. Some of the grandparents in our community raise their grandchildren full time.
It’s a special connection between grandparent and grandchild and that was clearly on display last Friday.
It’s been affirming to here so many comments from community members about how our children enter and exit spaces, and how attentive they are during gatherings. It’s something we’ve worked hard on with the children, and it allows our liturgies, assemblies, community prayers and other gatherings to be meaningful.
NAPLAN results will go home this week. For those unaware NAPLAN is several standardised tests that are conducted Australia Wide in Week 6 of Term 1. They measure students Reading Comprehension, Writing, Grammar and Punctuation, Spelling and Numeracy. They are conducted in Years 3,5,7 and 9.
As a school we look at NAPLAN results in many ways:
- Our cohort results (to indicate improvement as a school)
- Growth measured from Year 3 to 5 (to ensure each individual student is making growth)
- Individual Student Results and Specific Questions (to look at exactly what our students know and don’t know)
- How the test correlates with other learning data we have measured as a school.
While these tests were only conducted six weeks into my tenure at this school, they are something we will look at thoroughly as a staff and look at where we can make growth going forward both at a cohort and individual level.
Our results as a school are strong, and I’m extremely confident that the significant work we have conducted this year with our teachers on Explicit Teaching, Introducing Initialit into our Reception Program, and conducting further training in our Year 1-6 PLD Reading and Spelling program as a school we will see further growth in 2025 and 26 as a school.
Scott March
Thankyou to all the families that attended our Grandparents Day celebrations. It was a lovely community event for us to acknowledge the previous gift of Grandparents. Since 2020, the fourth Sunday of July has been commemorated as the World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly, as declared by Pope Francis. This year, Pope Francis has chosen the theme, “Do not cast me off in my old age” (Psalm 71:9).
“Grandparents are a treasure in the family. Please take care of your Grandparents: Love them!” – Pope Francis
Walk-A-Mile for Hutt Street
On Friday 9th August during National Homelessness Week, our Year 6 students will be walking a mile to raise funds for people experiencing homelessness in South Australia.
This is an annual event for our senior students and we often raise a large amount of funds that go directly to Hutt St Centre who have been supporting homeless people for more than 65 years by providing a hearty meal, a hot shower, all in a safe, welcoming space. We'd be so grateful for your support. Please give generously to our donation page. You can donate by following the webpage or QR Code attached. Together we can help end homelessness!
MITIOG East Region Parent Information Session
In Term 3 the Made in the Image of God Curriculum is being taught. This is the human sexuality program that is taught in all Catholic schools in South Australia. During Term 3 each family will be sent a letter outline the curriculum content for their child’s year level.
As well as the letter, we are offering a MITIOG Information Session for any parents/carers who might be interested in finding out more about the program. This session is for catholic schools in our East region and will be held at St Joseph’s School, Payneham in the school gym. This session is for adult attendance only.
The session will be on Wednesday 31 July and it is from 6.30 pm to 7.30 pm. If you would like to attend please use the link below to register.
The Sacramental Program will begin shortly. Thankyou to the families that have registered their interest. Registration forms will go out this week to those families. If you are interested in enrolling your child in the Sacramental Program and have not put their name down, please let me know.
Melissa Canil

St Francis of Assisi School Photo day will be in Term 3, 19th August 2024.
This year it will be all completely paperless which means all orders must be completed online.
In the next week you will recieve an email from MSP photograpers with instuctions and a code of how to order photos of your children. This will also include details of how to order family photos as well. Please check your emails especially you junk email incase it goes there.
If you have NOT recieve an email by the end week 3 of term 3 please ring MSP on 8132 1148.
Family Photos will take place ONLY before school from 8.15am to 8.50am in the gym.

Athelstone Kindergym is now conveniently located on the grounds of St Francis of Assisi school.
Kindergym Promotes the development of the whole child socially, emothinally, cognitively and physically through movement - it's a place where children can swing, jump, throw,climb, explore and learn in a safe environment.
It is a not-for Profit organisation specialising in programs for children from 6 months to 5 years of age. Kindergym operates during school terms and each session is managed by a qualified teacher.
Books are essential. Please use the link to Athelstone Kindergym website for more information and how to book.

Introducing Nyree, St Francis of Assisi School's new OSHC director
Please see below for opening days and times for the Campbelltown Uniform Shop. Please remember to make a booking when you need a fitting for your child
To shop online:
To make an APPOINTMENT - Book a fitting
Monday: 8:00am – 12:00pm
Tuesday: 1:00pm - 5:30pm
Wednesday: 8:00am -12:00pm
Thursday: 1:00pm - 5:30pm
Friday: CLOSED
Saturday: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Sundays & Public Holidays: Closed
Please find attached the St Francis of Assisi School calender for Term 1 2024

Important Dates
Assembly 2.15pm 6V
SACPSSA Cross Country Running
SEDA College Soccer clinics begin
Year 6 Walk a Mile
Community Prayer 8.55am - 3/4D
School Photo Day
Book Week begins
Sacramental Workshop #1 - 7pm in the Parish Hall
Book Week PARADE - 'Reading is Magic'
BOOK WEEK - Monday 19th August - Fiday 23rd August
BOOK WEEK PARADE - Friday 23rd August
YEAR 5/6 School camp - Monday 26/8 - Wednesda 28/8
PUPIL FREE DAY - 27th September - OSHC available
PUPIL FREE DAY Friday 14th December - OSHC available
Is your child due to start school?

SFOA Merchandise

SFOA Umbrellas are now available on the QKR! app. Get your orders in quick - limited stock available!

CLICK HERE to enrol online!
Available before / after school hours with Vacation Care during school holidays.
The Southern Cross Newsletter

Current Edition - July
Uniform Shop
Opening Hours & Uniform Prices
By Appointment Only: BOOK HERE
10 Newton Road, Campbelltown
Phone: 8336 2602
Parish Bulletin

Latest Parish bulletin available here
Catholic Schools Magazine
