St Francis of Assisi School Newsletter Term 3 4.09.2024
Dear Parents
Yesterday you will have received a letter which details significant enhancements to our ICT offerings here at SFOA, aimed at better preparing our students for the future.
Beginning in 2025, we will transition from the current Bring Your Own Device model to a more robust school-managed program. This shift will ensure that all students from Reception to Year 6 have equitable access to high-quality digital technologies, including school-managed MacBooks for Year 3-6 students and classroom iPads for our younger learners.
The new program will also incorporate a range of digital tools and support services to enrich the learning experience both inside and outside the classroom.
Please read the details of the letter send through Audiri yesterday afternoon.
Last week our Year 5/6 students travelled up to Belair for our annual camp. Over 70 students and 8 staff attended the camp which was an exceptional experience. I travelled up on Tuesday afternoon and stayed the evening with the campers which I thoroughly enjoyed.
I ran a brief reflection with the students on the Tuesday night and asked them to name someone on camp who they were proud of and why. The reflections were profound and meaningful. Children were proud of other people’s leadership – sometimes that was in a group activity, other time it was telling people to be quiet in the middle of the night. Others were proud of people scaling the tree as part of the activities, or even being away from their families for this time. By putting the focus on others, we drive an ‘others focussed’ culture amongst our students.
The joy comes from making someone else happy from the words that are shared. There are of course times for self-pride – but these moments are best felt when they are validated by a caring other. Sometimes a parent, a teacher, a member of leadership or principal.
Sports Day
Sports Day is our final community event of an extremely busy Term 3 calendar. We’ve had Grandparents Day, Book Week Parade as well as Father’s Day. All of these events have been extremely well attended and the general feedback from families is that they have been meaningful for all involved.
Sports Day will be held on site and will run from 9pm to 1:30pm - a full schedule will be released next week.
On site we will have a coffee van as well as some antipasto Platters available for pre-order on QKR from next week.
All children will receive a complimentary sausage as part of lunch, and there will be some sausages available for purchase for families.
A reminder that Sports Day’s at school are largely around participation and the ability of children to exercise teamwork and sportsmanship. Our engagement as parents and staff members should reflect this.
During Week 9 and 10 of this term Mrs Melissa Canil will be completing a 2-week stint as Acting Deputy Principal of St Thomas School, Goodwood. This is an excellent opportunity for Melissa, and we look forward to welcoming her back in Term 4.
God Bless,
The new Sacramental Program has begun and students are preparing to make their First Reconciliation at the end of October. We have 21 students from School and Parish enrolled in the program. A reminder that our next workshop is next week on Thursday 12th of September at 7pm in the Parish Hall.
Social Justice Updates
Sponsor our Year 5’s for Socktober
This year our Year 5's are participating in Socktober for Mission Month. This program – run by Catholic Mission – invites students to connect with young people experiences challenges in the developing world through education and the world game of soccer.
Through Socktober, we can contribute towards this critical mission program and make a positive impact for these children in Mongolia and more in need around the world.
We invite you to donate to our school fundraising page.
One of the most popular elements of Socktober encourages children to create their own recycled ‘sockball’ – a replica of the type of ball thousands of children around the world play with each day. Our Year 5 students will be making these this term with a guest speaker from Catholic Mission. On the last day of term the Yr 5's have also organised a Team Colours day to raise funds for this. Thank you for your support and for helping our students kick goals for good.
Social Justice Leaders Initiative
Recently our Social Justice Leaders held a bake sale to raise funds for the Church Roof Fundraising Appeal. This idea came from Anwen Hicks who is one of the Altar Servers in the Parish and part of the Year 6 Social Justice Service Group . Anwen proposed to her peers that we should support the Church with the roof appeal and the children decided to bake cookies and cupcakes to sell as a way of raising money. Parents and grandparents supported this initiative by baking with their children and we also baked at school. Fr Anthoni visited the children to thank them personally.
The students raised $211 which went directly into the Parish account for the roof appeal.
The Catholic Schools Music Festival 'Where Dreams Begin 2024' is taking place at the Adelaide Festival Theatre from the 23rd -26th September.
St Francis of Assisi Students will be performing on THURSDAY 26th September.
Please see the attached flyer for more information and details of how to order tickets.
Catholic Music Festival performance and ticket inforformation.
Athelstone Kindergym is now conveniently located on the grounds of St Francis of Assisi school.
Kindergym Promotes the development of the whole child socially, emothinally, cognitively and physically through movement - it's a place where children can swing, jump, throw,climb, explore and learn in a safe environment.
It is a not-for Profit organisation specialising in programs for children from 6 months to 5 years of age. Kindergym operates during school terms and each session is managed by a qualified teacher.
Books are essential. Please use the link to Athelstone Kindergym website for more information and how to book.
Please see below for opening days and times for the Campbelltown Uniform Shop. Please remember to make a booking when you need a fitting for your child
To shop online:
To make an APPOINTMENT - Book a fitting
Monday: 8:00am – 12:00pm
Tuesday: 1:00pm - 5:30pm
Wednesday: 8:00am -12:00pm
Thursday: 1:00pm - 5:30pm
Friday: CLOSED
Saturday: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Sundays & Public Holidays: Closed
Please find attached the St Francis of Assisi School calender for Term 1 2024

Important Dates
1/2V Class Liturgy -9am
Sacramental Workshop #2
Community Prayer - 8.55am 1/2TC
Assembly 2.15pm led by 1/2LS
SPORTS DAY until 1.30pm
Catholic Schools Music Festival Evening Performance
Team Colour Day
Term 3 Concludes 3pm
Pupil Free Day - Staff Retreat Day
Montevergine Festa
Term 4 Begins
PUPIL FREE DAY - 27th September - OSHC available
COLOUR RUN - 25th October
SWIMMING WEEK - Monday 18th Nov - Thursday 21st Nov.
PUPIL FREE DAY Friday 14th December - OSHC available
Is your child due to start school?

SFOA Merchandise

SFOA Umbrellas are now available on the QKR! app. Get your orders in quick - limited stock available!

CLICK HERE to enrol online!
Available before / after school hours with Vacation Care during school holidays.
The Southern Cross Newsletter

The Southern Cross | South Australia's Catholic News - August edition
Uniform Shop
Opening Hours & Uniform Prices
By Appointment Only: BOOK HERE
10 Newton Road, Campbelltown
Phone: 8336 2602
Parish Bulletin

Latest Parish bulletin available here
Catholic Schools Magazine
