St Francis of Assisi Newsletter Week 4 Term 1 2024
Dear Families,
As we head into the middle section of the term, I continue to be thankful for the welcome I have experienced. I’m waking up each morning with a renewed energy to work within this community.
In saying that, we are now as a staff what I like to describe as in the heavy lifting phase. I’ll try to avoid the sports metaphors where I can, but I think this describes it neatly.
With many new staff, a new Principal and a new Assistant principal, we are recurrently redefining processes internally, establishing expectations and non-negotiables. This week you will see a variety of relievers on site as we meet with each teacher individually to ensure our disability adjustments are in place and each child’s learning data is reviewed.
You’ll see our staff working long hours through this period, as we establish the conditions at our school to create efficiencies, transparency and most importantly the conditions required to make every child succeed.
Having a child in a school is not a smooth and linear process no matter the class, the year the teacher or the school. With seven years in a school a child is going to experience many ups and downs as they journey across the various year levels and classes.
Picture yourself in your workplace or even at home over a seven-year period. There will be ups and downs, celebrations, disappointments and conflicts.
The biggest advice I can give to families is to understand this within their own child’s experience. That their educational experience will have challenges, because it’s within the challenges that we grow.
How we handle the challenges is what defines our experience. Within the first four weeks I’ve been fortunate to work with some families already working through challenges that their child may be experiencing. Some of these relate to school, others around family circumstances.
As a leadership team myself, Mel and Michelle will always be approachable to these conversations in a respectful manner where we listen and absorb, and hopefully work with the family for a resolution or a plan forward. This applies to apply the teachers at our school who are usually the first line of communication with these challenges.
Theme for 2024/2025
Tomorrow night at the Launch Night I will unveil a theme for our work as a community over the next two years, as we head into our 60th year celebrations in 2025.
A theme will allow us all – staff, parents, students and the wider community to understand the direction our school will take moving forward. The theme will connect to our history at our school, with an eye to the future. I’m excited to talk through this tomorrow night.
A copy of the narrated presentation will be sent out to all families next week for any families who are unable to attend tomorrow night.
As part of our commitment to our community and encouraging family friendly events we will be running two creche’s tomorrow night from 6:15pm – One in our Shining Stars/Playgroup space for 3–5-year-olds, and in the library for 5–8-year old’s.
There will be a sign in sheet at each creche to sign your child in for the duration of the address.
I’m indebted to our school staff for their willingness to run these creche’s to support our families.
Looking forward to seeing many of you tomorrow night.
God Bless,
Scott March
As we welcome the beginning of a new school year, with open hearts, I am delighted to begin my role as Assistant Principal Learning Diversity at St. Francis of Assisi School. I have previously worked at Mount Carmel College as Senior Leader (R-6) and music teacher. I am happy to be joining the SFOA community, working alongside a team of vibrant and caring educators, sharing wisdom and insights to support the learning and development of our students. A particular focus of my role is in supporting the diverse learning needs of our students, in partnership with our families, staff, and the students themselves. I look forward to getting you know you and walking together as we accompany the children entrusted to our care along their journey of learning and faith.
Assessment and Data
As a school, we are committed to uphold the dignity of every child, understanding that children grow and develop in different ways, and at different times. The assessment process provides reliable and valid evidence of student learning. Assessment allows leaders, teachers, and students to learn alongside one another, as they uncover evidence that informs both learning and teaching. Learners use assessment and feedback to reflect on and evaluate their own progress, while teachers and leaders use assessment and evidence to inform and shape the design for learning. It identifies what students know, understand, can do and feel at different stages in the learning process. Across Term 1, students from Reception – Year 6 will participate in a range of assessments to support teachers in effectively differentiating the 2024 curriculum and personalising learning for each student.
“Fair, equitable and clearly understood assessment practices are at the heart of learning for students and for educators in every system and school. This is equity and excellence – the heart of educational improvement” (Lyn Sharratt, 2019)
Throughout the year, class teachers will communicate with families via the Seesaw app. Students can also use SeeSaw to share their learning and school experiences with their families. If you have not yet connected to SeeSaw, please speak with your child’s teacher.
Michelle Page
Assistant Principal Learning Diversity
Ash Wednesday
Last week we held our first whole school Mass with our new Parish Priest Fr Anthoni Adimai. It was a beautiful Mass where we commissioned our staff for 2024 and all our Year 6 students as leaders of the school. Fr Anthoni spoke to the children about how they can follow the footsteps of Jesus this Lent.
Project Compassion Launch
As we have now begun Lent, all families have received a Project Compassion box to support Caritas Australia this Lenten season and help support vulnerable people around the world, now and for all future generations.
Project Compassion 2024 theme 'For all Future Generations' reminds us that the good that we do today will extend and impact the lives of generations to come. Together, we can help vulnerable communities face their challenges today and build a better tomorrow for all future generations.
You can donate through your Project Compassion donation boxes, by visiting or by calling 1800 024 413.
Project Compassion boxes will need to be returned by then end of Term 1.
Thankyou in anticipation of your donations.
Sacrament Reminders - Term 1 Dates
- Sacrament Family Workshop in Parish Hall - 7pm, Thur 22nd Feb, Wk 4
- Family Mass - Sunday 5pm, 3rd March
- Sacrament Family Workshop in Parish Hall - 7pm Thur, 14th March, Wk 7
- Sacrament Family Workshop in Parish Hall - 7pm Thur, 4th April, Wk 10
- Family Mass - Sunday 5pm, 7th April
Melissa Canil
The school soccer season is about to start again and we have brand new uniforms for our soccer stars.
Please see the attached information about registering your child for the school soccer season.
The season begins Saturday 13th May until Saturday 26th August 2024.
Games will be any time between 8am and 12 noon depending on the number of teams in the competition.
Registration is for every Saturday for the whole season.
Cost per child for the season is $75.
Please see the QKR app to register your child and pay for the season

Welcome to Children’s University for 2024.
General information regarding Children’s is available through the QR CODE LINK.
Registration is now open via the QR CODE LINK.
Applications close on Sunday 17th March 2024 and payments are processed via QKR.
For further information regarding Children’s University, please follow the following links:
See how the process works.

Please find attached the St Francis of Assisi School calender for Term 1 2024

- All children must wear a school hat in Term 1 and 4. Please name your childs hat.
- You will get a text message if your child is NOT at school and you have not informed the Front Office.The perfered method for absentee is using the Audiri app. Please complete the absentee form on the Audiri app if your child is away from school for any reason.
- All Excursion forms will come to you via the Audiri app. Please ensure your have updated your child's year level group to ensure you are getting the correct information.
- All special food days such as sushi day, donut day, gelati day etc will all be on the QKR app. Please ensure you have the QKR app and your details are up to date.
- If you are planning a holiday away during school time you must complete an exemption form which is available from the Front Office. It MUST be completed before you leave to go away.
- If your child is LATE to school, after 9am, they MUST sign in at the Front Office, so we know they are at school. They will take a ticket to the teacher so the teacher knows they have signed in.
- If you child is leaving the school grounds early, they MUST be signed out first in the Front Office by a Parent. Please DO NOT go to the classroom first.
- Please ensure if you have changed your contact details, phone number and/or email address you let the office know by completing the 'Change of Details' form on the Audiri app.

Important Dates
Launch Night - 5.45 -7pm
Sacramental Workshop #1 - 7pm in the Parish Hall
Community prayer - 8.55am led by 5M
Special Food Day - Fried Rice (order by Wed 21st on QKR)
WOW live Interactive show by KESAB
Parent Volunteer induction - 9am use link to book -
3/4D class liturgy - 9am
Family Mass - 5pm
Assembly led by 6H - 2.15pm
Auto Italia Car Show
PUPIL FREE DAY Friday - 8th March OSHC available
Adelaide Cup Public Holiday - 11th March
NAPLAN week - Monday 18th March - Friday 22nd March
Good Friday - 29th March
Easter Monday - 1st April
PUPIL FREE DAY - Monday 7th June - OSHC available
PUPIL FREE DAY- Monday 22nd July and 27th September - OSHC available
PUPIL FREE DAY Friday 14th December - OSHC available
Is your child due to start school?

SFOA Merchandise

SFOA Umbrellas are now available on the QKR! app. Get your orders in quick - limited stock available!

CLICK HERE to enrol online!
Available before / after school hours with Vacation Care during school holidays.
The Southern Cross Newsletter

Uniform Shop
Opening Hours & Uniform Prices
By Appointment Only: BOOK HERE
10 Newton Road, Campbelltown
Phone: 8336 2602
Parish Bulletin

Latest Parish bulletin available here
Catholic Schools Magazine
