St Francis of Assisi Newsletter Term 3, 14.08.2024
Dear Families,
It’s been a busy month in a sporting space with so many of our children being involved in the bevy of SAPSASA and Catholic Education sporting opportunities that are offered here at SFOA.
Last week we had a large group tackle the annual CESA Cross Country while today our Year 5/6 students tackle the 2nd round of the Statewide SAPSASA soccer tournament. We’ve had successes in our school Soccer and Basketball teams with the conclusion of seasons and the resumption of seasons all taking place over the last month.
Master Plan
Earlier in the year at the Launch night I discussed creating a Master Plan for the school. A Master Plan is a 10–15-year architectural plan that guides future capital development at the school. Now that we are fully in the swing of things, each newsletter I’ll look to discuss with the community how this is coming along.
The first step was to identify a ‘brief’ to give to the architects. This brief encompassed previous enrolment data, future trends, current plans of the school, and demographic data which guides the catchment of children we draw from. It also captured staff, student and School Board feedback.
This brief was then sent to our preferred architects SMFA (Stallard and Meek Flight Path Architects) who will begin the initial consultation for the Master Plan of the School. This consultation has already begun with our students who have been part of a discussion around a revamp of the piazza area.
Throughout this term you will have an opportunity as parents of the school to contribute to this plan through a survey and a parent workshop. I have an official start up meeting with Tim from SMFA on Wednesday the 21st to get things rolling along further.
It’s this time of year where we begin to cast one eye forward to 2025 and the opportunities that lay ahead here at SFOA.
If you know of any students who are joining the SFOA community next year, please let us know. Our enrolment demand for 2025 and beyond is high at the moment, which impacts positively on our class structures moving forward.
Conversely if your family is relocating or you won’t be at SFOA next year this information is equally important in planning our structure.
God Bless,
This week we will gather as a whole school for the Feast of the Assumption Mass. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary celebrates Mary entering heaven, body and soul. It is a holy day of obligation for Catholics. The belief that Mary’s body (as well as her soul) was “assumed” into heaven was defined as a true Catholic belief by Pope Pius XII in 1950. Mary is the mother of Jesus and 'full of Grace' therefore it is fitting that she did not suffer death and her body remained in perfect condition. Mary said "yes" to being the Mother of Jesus. Attending Mass as a whole school is a beautiful ritual that celebrations our religious traditions and teaches our students the importance of the Eucharist being central to our faith.
The Sacramental Program is about to begin. If have registered your child pleasure ensure you pay the Parish Office the fees along with providing them the required paperwork. Our first workshop is on Thursday 22nd of August at 7pm in the Parish Hall.
Last Friday our Year 6 students participated in the Hutt St Centres ‘Walk a Mile’ event. They have raised over $1000 to support the Homeless in Adelaide. We had guest speakers from Vinnies come and speak to the children about the effects of homelessness and how we can support those in need around our community.
On Sunday it was the Feast of St Clare of Assisi. As a friend and as cofounder of the Franciscan movement, Clare supported Francis as he discerned God’s message for himself and his followers. Both Francis and Clare kept their eyes focused on God and discerned how to live the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Together with her sisters, she wrote the first Rule written for religious women by a woman. She served the sick and washed the feet of the begging nuns. With determination she led the simple, literal gospel life as Francis taught her. She was a woman with a passion for poverty, prayer and humility, and a leader with generous concern for her sisters and others.
Melissa Canil
Next week is Catholic Schools Open Week. Let your friends and family know that we have many upcoming tours including a weekend and twilight tour.
Upcoming Tour Dates
- Saturday 17th August 10am
- Thursday 19th August 9:15am
- Twilight Tour Tuesday 10th September 5pm
St Francis of Assisi School Photo day is this coming Monday 19th August 2024.
This year it will be all completely paperless which means all orders must be completed online.
You will have recieve an email from MSP photograpers with instuctions and a code of how to order photos of your children. This will also include details of how to order family photos as well. Please check your emails especially you junk email incase it goes there.
Please ensure you order your childrens photos BEFORE the closing date.
Online Orders will close on Monday 26th August, 2024@ noon
If you have NOT recieved this email please ring MSP on 8132 1148.
Family Photos will take place ONLY before school from 8.15am to 8.50am in the gym.
If you wish to have a Sibling / Family Photo please place your order Online by 1pm the day before Photo Day.
All orders are then sent to the school and distributed through students classes.
If your order needs to be sent to the school’s front office for you to personally collect (eg: mum or dad order) please reply to the receipt email and let MSP know!
Please Note: MSP will not chase payment. A $15.00 Late Fee will only be charged if you are ordering after the final online close date.
100% Money Back Guarantee within 14 Days of delivery. If your child is absent from photo day an automatic refund will occur.
Any order enquiries please contact MSP on 08 8132 1148. Please do not contact the School.
Ph 08 8132 1148 Email:
Congatulations to our Cross Country Team who recently completed at the Cross Country Carnival. They ran their hearts out and displayed outstanding effort and school spirit.

The Catholic Schools Music Festival 'Where Dreams Begin 2024' is taking place at the Adelaide Festival Theatre from the 23rd -26th September.
St Francis of Assisi Students will be performing on THURSDAY 26th September.
Please see the attached flyer for more information and details of how to order tickets.
Catholic Music Festival performance and ticket inforformation.
Athelstone Kindergym is now conveniently located on the grounds of St Francis of Assisi school.
Kindergym Promotes the development of the whole child socially, emothinally, cognitively and physically through movement - it's a place where children can swing, jump, throw,climb, explore and learn in a safe environment.
It is a not-for Profit organisation specialising in programs for children from 6 months to 5 years of age. Kindergym operates during school terms and each session is managed by a qualified teacher.
Books are essential. Please use the link to Athelstone Kindergym website for more information and how to book.

Please see below for opening days and times for the Campbelltown Uniform Shop. Please remember to make a booking when you need a fitting for your child
To shop online:
To make an APPOINTMENT - Book a fitting
Monday: 8:00am – 12:00pm
Tuesday: 1:00pm - 5:30pm
Wednesday: 8:00am -12:00pm
Thursday: 1:00pm - 5:30pm
Friday: CLOSED
Saturday: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Sundays & Public Holidays: Closed
Please find attached the St Francis of Assisi School calender for Term 1 2024

Important Dates
Community Prayer 8.55am - 3/4D
Seda College Soccer clinic
Book Week begins
School Photo Day
Sacramental Workshop #1 - 7pm in the Parish Hall
Seda College Soccer clinic
Book Week PARADE - 'Reading is Magic'
Year 5/6 School Camp. 2 nights at Nunyara, Belair
Assembly 2.15pm led by 3/4C
Community prayer. 8.55am led by1/2TC
Father's Day Stall
BOOK WEEK - Monday 19th August - Fiday 23rd August
BOOK WEEK PARADE - Friday 23rd August
YEAR 5/6 School camp - Monday 26/8 - Wednesday 28/8
PUPIL FREE DAY - 27th September - OSHC available
PUPIL FREE DAY Friday 14th December - OSHC available
Is your child due to start school?

SFOA Merchandise

SFOA Umbrellas are now available on the QKR! app. Get your orders in quick - limited stock available!

CLICK HERE to enrol online!
Available before / after school hours with Vacation Care during school holidays.
The Southern Cross Newsletter

The Southern Cross | South Australia's Catholic News - August edition
Uniform Shop
Opening Hours & Uniform Prices
By Appointment Only: BOOK HERE
10 Newton Road, Campbelltown
Phone: 8336 2602
Parish Bulletin

Latest Parish bulletin available here
Catholic Schools Magazine
