Newsletter Week 7 Term 4 2023
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Learning Expo
Congratulations to the Year 5 and 6 teachers for the magnificent Learning Expo last Friday night. Unfortunately, I was an apology, but what a brilliant way of showcasing learning to the young people’s families! Young people of this age often don’t give much away to their families about what goes on at school. The imagination and enthusiasm for learning displayed by the young people was something to be very proud of.
The children had a wonderful time at swimming lessons. I saw for myself how well the Swimming Centre recognises the levels of our children and how they cater for them.
Thank you to all the staff who attended the pool, especially the ESOs who had the good fortune to be there all day! It was a little hot and steamy in there! Thank you also to the volunteers who went along, we could not undertake this opportunity without you.
The Year 5s and 6s had a wonderful, albeit slightly long, day of Aquatics at Port Noarlunga. The reports from the young people were extremely positive indeed. Thank you to their teachers and Mrs Canil for enabling such an outstanding opportunity.
Instrumental Music students Concert
Thank you to Ms Madigan, Nate and Won for a really entertaining and inspiring musical evening. It is hard to imagine that some of our young musicians have only been having lessons for a matter of months! They certainly put me to shame. And what a treat to hear Won on the piano – she took me to another place. And then Nate’s drumming!
Other News
As we draw close to the end of the school year we have a few staff members who will be leaving us. I will put out a letter next week outlining who is leaving, and who will be joining us for 2024.
Advent begins this Sunday 4 December. This is the time in our Church year where we prepare for the birth of Jesus at Christmas time. We remember the stories of the Old Testament people who also prepared for the coming of Jesus into their world. We remember Mary and Joseph as they prepared for the birth of Jesus, and we make room in our hearts for Jesus and our own ability to help bring about the reign of God in our world. At Christmas, more than any other time of the year, we remember Jesus as Prince of Peace. Christmas helps us to remember that we are a part of a thousands of years old story that connects us to the very beginning of God’s people, unbroken and uninterrupted. That is a long connection indeed.
Peace and blessings
Kerri Dent
Acting Principal
This year our Blessing of the Cribs liturgy is on Thursday 7th of December at 9:30am to coincide with our whole school picnic on that day. Parents are invited to join us for this liturgy and bring your nativity sets from home to be blessed by Fr John.
Thankyou to the many families that have already donated items for our Christmas Vinnies Appeal. The spirit of giving is certainly alive at St Francis of Assisi this Christmas season. Suggested items are outlined below.
Advent is approaching and begins this Sunday. Advent is a season of preparation: we shop for gifts, plan parties, and decorate our homes for the coming of Christmas. Sometimes it is easy to forget the real mission of Advent: preparing our hearts for the coming of Jesus Christ. We are bombarded by commercial messages in which the reason for Christmas—Emmanuel, “God with us”—is absent or overlooked. However, the rituals and practices of our Catholic liturgies during this season can join us together. We can offer messages of hope and express our desire for God's presence in our midst. In Advent we are called to be joyful as we get ready to celebrate the incarnation of our Saviour in Bethlehem.
Melissa Canil

Our annual Book fair will be held in Week 8 Monday 4th December- Friday 8th December in the Resouce Centre. The Book Fair opening times are: Tuesday - Friday 8.30am to 9.00am and Monday - Friday 3pm to 3.45pm.
I would appreciate two parents per day to help me with the running of the Book Fair. If you a registered Volunteer with the schooland can spare half an hour before school 8.30-9.00 or half an hour after school 3pm to 3.30pm, please use the following link to book into to the day and time that best suits you.
During the coming weeks the children are welcome to enter the Bookfair Drawing competition by drawing their favourite book or book character for the chance to win a $10 gift Voucher to spend at the Book Fair in week 8. These drawings are to be in by Monday 27th November . Six winners will be chosen by our Principal Kerri Dent.
During term 4 all school Library books need to be returned as there will be no school holiday oliday borrowing. Books need to be returned by 20th November to be in the running to win a gingerbread house for the class. There are 2 gingerbread houses to win to the classes that that return ALL their books. One for Reception - Yr2 and one for Yr3- Yr6's. Parents could you please encourage your children to return all their Library books during week 6.
This year we have a new library computer system where you will now recieve an email when your children/child has an overdue book. Thankyou to those parents and children who have returned their overdues promptly. If there is no response from these emailan invoice will be sent home via our Financial Officer to help cover the cost of the lost books.
Any questions please come and see me.
Debbie Harrip.
Dear Parents,
Three Way learning Conversations (Parent/teacher Interviews) have been scheduled for Wednesday January 24th 2024. Bookings for this can only be made ONLINE. Bookings open in week 9 when a link will be sent.
Parents have from Wednesday 13th December until Monday 22nd January 11pm ONLY to make an online booking with their child's teacher. After this time/date the online booking system will close, Parents will no longer be able to book an interview or change their times but can view their booked times.
- Bookings can ONLY be made online using the link which will be sent to you
- Bookings will open 13th December and close 22nd January 2024.
- Please ensure you edit your childs year level when signing in again so you get to view the correct teachers for that year level.

Important Dates
First Sunday of Advent Family Mass - 5pm
Blessing of the Cribs Liturgy - 9.30am
Whole School Picnic at Thorndon Pk Reserve
1/2MC Class Liturgy - 9am
Students meet their 2024 class Teacher- 9.45 -10.30am
End of year Mass - 9.30am
Year 6 Graduation dinner
Last day of School for Reception to Year 5 Students - 3pm
Pupil Free day
Three Way Conferences with 2024 class teachers - Wednesday 24th January 2024 (link for bookings will be available in week 9.)
2024 New school year begins - Monday 29th January 2024
Is your child due to start school?

SFOA Merchandise

SFOA Umbrellas are now available on the QKR! app. Get your orders in quick - limited stock available!

CLICK HERE to enrol online!
Available before / after school hours with Vacation Care during school holidays.
The Southern Cross Newsletter

Uniform Shop
Opening Hours & Uniform Prices
By Appointment Only: BOOK HERE
10 Newton Road, Campbelltown
Phone: 8336 2602
Parish Bulletin

Latest Parish bulletin available here
Catholic Schools Magazine
