Newsletter Week5, Term4 2023
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Great news. Our Nature Play area adjacent to the Library is open and being utilised by the children and young people. It is a lovely place to be on a warm day.
On Friday 3 November we celebrated our Grandparents with a liturgy and morning tea. It was truly wonderful to see so many Grandparents and others join us in our liturgy, and also take the opportunity to visit their grandchildren in classrooms. We were overwhelmed with gratitude at the turn out. Thank you to the staff who helped out with the liturgy and with the morning tea.
Children’s University is a wonderful opportunity for our young people to recognise the importance of learning and be rewarded with a Graduation ceremony at the University of Adelaide Bonython Hall. Congratulations to all those who graduated, and thank you to Ms Kielo for her support all year.
On Friday 10 November Mr Vorassi’s class lead a moving Remembrance Day commemoration. The children were beautifully respectful and the whole liturgy caused goosebumps!
They shall grow not old,
as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them,
nor the years condemn
At the going down of the sun
and in the morning
We will remember them.
Lest We Forget
Next week our Receptions to Year 4s will be attending their annual swimming lessons and our Year 5s and 6s will attend Aquatics on Wednesday.
On Thursday 23 November we have our Instrumental Program evening. Congratulations to all the children who have been diligently practising and improving their skills.
Peace and blessings
Kerri Dent
Acting Principal
Christmas Vinnies Appeal
Today we launched the Vinnies Christmas Appeal. The Mini-Vinnies team have prepared donation tubs for each class with a list of items requested. These items are used to make Christmas Hampers for the needy in our Newton community. The tubs will be in classrooms until the end of the term. We appreciate your support at this time of year. Christmas is the time to rejoice in the birth of the Christ Child. The one true light to our world. Please help us to be a light to the many children, young people and adults who do not have the opportunity to experience the love and blessings of the Christ Child.
First Reconciliation
Last week we had a large group of children from school and Parish complete their First Reconciliation. Fr John and Fr Christopher were present to support these children and were very impressed with their reverence and commitment to the sacrament. These children have been preparing for their First Reconciliation for several months and we continue to pray for them on their sacramental journey.
Melissa Canil

Our annual Book fair will be held in Week 8 Monday 4th December- Friday 8th December in the Resouce Centre. The Book Fair opening times are: Tuesday - Friday 8.30am to 9.00am and Monday - Friday 3pm to 3.45pm.
I would appreciate two parents per day to help me with the running of the Book Fair. If you a registered Volunteer with the schooland can spare half an hour before school 8.30-9.00 or half an hour after school 3pm to 3.30pm, please use the following link to book into to the day and time that best suits you.
During the coming weeks the children are welcome to enter the Bookfair Drawing competition by drawing their favourite book or book character for the chance to win a $10 gift Voucher to spend at the Book Fair in week 8. These drawings are to be in by Monday 27th November . Six winners will be chosen by our Principal Kerri Dent.
During term 4 all school Library books need to be returned as there will be no school holiday oliday borrowing. Books need to be returned by 20th November to be in the running to win a gingerbread house for the class. There are 2 gingerbread houses to win to the classes that that return ALL their books. One for Reception - Yr2 and one for Yr3- Yr6's. Parents could you please encourage your children to return all their Library books during week 6.
This year we have a new library computer system where you will now recieve an email when your children/child has an overdue book. Thankyou to those parents and children who have returned their overdues promptly. If there is no response from these emailan invoice will be sent home via our Financial Officer to help cover the cost of the lost books.
Any questions please come and see me.
Debbie Harrip.

Important Dates
RAA Street Smart programme
5/6KH Class Liturgy
Swimming Week for Receptions to Year 4. Monday 20th to Thursday 23rd.
Year 5-6 Aquatics Day at Noarlunga
Instrumental Evening - 6pm
Community Prayer 8.55am - 3/4Z
Assembly for Sports presentations - 2.30pm
First Sunday of Advent Family Mass - 5pm
Blessing of the Cribs - Thursday 7th December 2023
Whole School picnic - Thursday 7th December 2023 at Thorndon Park (please complete permission form on Audiri)
End of Year Mass - 9.30am
Term 4 Concludes - 3pm Thursday 14th December 2023
Pupil Free day - Friday 15th December 2023
Is your child due to start school?

SFOA Merchandise

SFOA Umbrellas are now available on the QKR! app. Get your orders in quick - limited stock available!

CLICK HERE to enrol online!
Available before / after school hours with Vacation Care during school holidays.
The Southern Cross Newsletter

Uniform Shop
Opening Hours & Uniform Prices
By Appointment Only: BOOK HERE
10 Newton Road, Campbelltown
Phone: 8336 2602
Parish Bulletin

Latest Parish bulletin available here
Catholic Schools Magazine
