Newsletter Week3, Term4 2023
Dear Parents and Caregivers
You will no doubt have noticed the Nature Play area being installed alongside the playground. We are very excited that this space is finally coming to fruition, it offers another area for our children to play happily and safely. We are blessed with abundant play spaces for our children.
We are pleased to let you know that we will go from 11 classes in 2023 to 12 classes in 2024. Instead of three composite Year 5 & 6 classes, we will have 2 x Year 5 classes and 2 x Year 6 classes. We are very excited by this development.
This week we celebrate the feasts of All Saints and All Souls days. These days hold a very special place for us as this is the time that collectively we remember all those who have gone before us, especially our own family members. This is also the week of Hallowe’en. Hallowe’en is intrinsically connected to All Saints and all Souls days. In different languages the word for ‘holy’ is actually derived from ‘Santo’. This brings us to ‘San’ Damiano, or ‘Santa’ Maria. In old English the word for ‘santo’ or ‘holy’ was ‘hallow’. All Saints Day was called All Hallows Day, and Hallowe’en is All Hallows Eve. From North American culture we have come to celebrate Hallowe’en as another festival for children. From Mexican tradition it is the Day of the Dead, a very important religious festival.
On Friday we will celebrate our Grandparents with a liturgy and morning tea. Also on Friday the RAA Street Smart program will also be visiting some of our classes.
Our newest community members, next year’s Reception children, began their transition in Week 1 and will be with us every Wednesday through to Week 8. It was heart warming to see them so keen to be here last Wednesday. We have also been visiting their kindergartens to get to know them a little better so we can be best placed to assist them to flourish when they are with us.
Our next family Mass in St Francis Church is this Sunday 5 November at 5pm. Please know you are all welcome.
Peace and blessings
Kerri Dent
What will you share with your children about Halloween?
Halloween is becoming a popular celebration in Australia and I would like to share with you some thoughts about the Catholic view on Halloween. On the 1st and 2nd of November Catholics focus on All Saints Day and All Souls Day. We will be having a whole school Mass on All Saints Day to celebrate those people who lived a Christian life. On All Souls Day we pray for those who have died and remember Jesus rose to eternal life.
All Saints is a solemn feast for Catholics. It was originally called ‘All Hallows’ Day. Hallow means saint and is also used in the Our Father ‘hallowed be thy name’ meaning Jesus` name is holy.
The Catholic tradition of the word Halloween came from the fact that Catholic feasts begin celebrations the night before with a vigil, fasting and prayer. This became known as ‘All Hallows Eve’ shortened to Halloween.
Originally in our Catholic tradition all significant feasts began their celebrations with a vigil the night before and people would prepare by acts of prayer and fasting. Later this celebration became known as All Hallows Evening shortened to Halloween!
As a Catholic school we pray for and recognise Saints and those who have died. Explaining to children the connection of Halloween to All Saints and All Souls Day helps them understand the Catholic context of praying for those how have died and recognise our special Saints.
All Saints Day Prayer
Bless the many parted souls
who lived their lives with grace.
Bless the saints in heaven,
gathered in that special place.
May we tell their stories
and remember all the ways
they lived their faith
and spent their days.
There is glory and reward,
even if at first there’s strife.
Oh, blessed saints, you help us see
a path that’s to eternal life.
May we always hold them dear
and know their life and place.
May we know their inspiration
and aspire to their grace.
Mary Mackillop Cross
Newton Parish was privileged to host the Mary Mackillop Cross for this week. This is part of the Knights of the Southern Cross Centenary Pilgrimage of Thanksgiving. The large 2.7metre cross was constructed by the Penola branch of the Knights of the Southern Cross in 1986. The cross has been travelling around the Archdiocese of Adelaide. The significance of this cross is that it was constructed from the floorboards of the first school established by Mary MacKillop in Penola. Some of our students visited the cross and Fr John explained the history of it and shared knowledge about St Mary of the Cross MacKillop.
Melissa Canil

Our annual Book fair will be held in Week 8 Monday 4th December- Friday 8th December in the Resouce Centre. The Book Fair opening times are: Tuesday - Friday 8.30am to 9.00am and Monday - Friday 3pm to 3.45pm.
I would appreciate two parents per day to help me with the running of the Book Fair. If you a registered Volunteer with the schooland can spare half an hour before school 8.30-9.00 or half an hour after school 3pm to 3.30pm, please use the following link to book into to the day and time that best suits you.
During the coming weeks the children are welcome to enter the Bookfair Drawing competition by drawing their favourite book or book character for the chance to win a $10 gift Voucher to spend at the Book Fair in week 8. These drawings are to be in by Monday 27th November . Six winners will be chosen by our Principal Kerri Dent.
During term 4 all school Library books need to be returned as there will be no school holiday oliday borrowing. Books need to be returned by 20th November to be in the running to win a gingerbread house for the class. There are 2 gingerbread houses to win to the classes that that return ALL their books. One for Reception - Yr2 and one for Yr3- Yr6's. Parents could you please encourage your children to return all their Library books during week 6.
This year we have a new library computer system where you will now recieve an email when your children/child has an overdue book. Thankyou to those parents and children who have returned their overdues promptly. If there is no response from these emailan invoice will be sent home via our Financial Officer to help cover the cost of the lost books.
Any questions please come and see me.
Debbie Harrip.

Please find attached information regarding the Audiri App. I cannot express strongly enough that you MUST have this app. We understand there are so many forms of technology and it does become overwhelming, but we need ALL FAMILIES using Audiri.
All permission forms for excursions and school events are sent home via this app. If you do not complete these forms your child cannot attend the excursions or events.
If you are having issues accessing the app or understanding it please contact me or pop in and I can help you with it.
Kind regards,
Dianne Cook

Important Dates
All Saints Day whole school Mass 9:30am in Church
SEDA College Clinics - Sport Uniforms for all students
Grandparents Day – Liturgy and Morning Tea 9am in MPF
RAA Street Smart Program
Family Mass 5pm
Athletics Carnival
Children's University Graduation
SEDA College Clinics - Sport Uniforms for all students
Remembrance Day Liturgy
Blessing of the Cribs - Friday 1st December 2023
Term 4 Concludes - 3pm Thursday 14th December 2023
Pupil Free day - Friday 15th December 2023
Is your child due to start school?

SFOA Merchandise

SFOA Umbrellas are now available on the QKR! app. Get your orders in quick - limited stock available!

CLICK HERE to enrol online!
Available before / after school hours with Vacation Care during school holidays.
Uniform Shop
Opening Hours & Uniform Prices
By Appointment Only: BOOK HERE
10 Newton Road, Campbelltown
Phone: 8336 2602
Parish Bulletin

Latest Parish bulletin available here
The Southern Cross Newsletter

Catholic Schools Magazine
