
From the Principal



South Australia has been very well placed and very lucky during the course of the last couple of weeks with restrictions lifted in a lot of areas around COVID -19 practices. For schools this is great as it means we can again participate in such things as sporting competitions, go on excursions and host whole school events moving forward. It does not mean though that we can simply go back to all our old ways and habits. Improved hygiene practices have become a way of life now and while social distancing is something that children can’t easily adhere to, as adults we all must continue to be proactive in this way. Parents are now allowed on school grounds but we ask that where possible you don’t enter the classroom unless you have an urgent message for the teacher or an appointed time to meet.

We are very soon going to be able to have religious celebrations again in the Church such as Confirmation and First Communion, and sporting carnivals are again on the agenda for our children. However, there will be guidelines and restrictions in place to allow these events to occur safely and with the health and well-being of all in mind. Your understanding and cooperation will be greatly appreciated with in rules that have been put in place by the Catholic Education Office or the Archdiocese of Adelaide to allow these celebrations to occur. Should you have any questions about new guidelines please contact the school for more information.


I would like to inform our school and parish community about the impending departure of two long standing and highly-respected staff members in our community. Carmel Spagnoletti – after 34 years of dedicated service to St Francis of Assisi has made the decision to retire from her position in the front office. Her last day with our school community will be on Friday 14th August. Carmel has made so many connections with so many families over the years in her role and she really has been part of the fabric of our school over a long period of time. I know you will join me in wishing Carmel every joy and happiness as she moves into the next phase of her life, with more family time and new adventures to explore.

We will also be saying farewell to Josie Cochrane who has taken the decision to resign from her role as APRIM here at St Francis effective from the end of Term 3. Josie also has been part of the fabric in our community during the last 22 years in her role as classroom teacher, APRIM, Deputy Principal and even Acting Principal at different times. Her passion and energy is well-known to us all and we wish Josie every success for the future as she discerns new pathways.

Both Carmel and Josie have embodied and embraced the spirit of St Francis in their work and have been wonderful servants and great assets to our school community for such a long period of time. Whilst we are all saddened by their impending departures we are also most grateful and feel very blessed to have had the benefit of their wisdom, knowledge and abilities for so many years. I’m sure you will join me in wishing them every success for the future.

‘To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven’ 

Have a great week.

James Meiksans