
From the Principal


As I shared last week we are trying our best to improve our communication channels so please find in this newsletter some important whole school dates that we ask you to take note of. If you take the time to read the newsletter, check the Skoolbag app regularly and have a Seesaw account for your child’s class then you are guaranteed not to miss a thing!


You will also notice that we are moving towards a fully electronic mode of communication with our families. There are a few reasons for this, firstly the environmental impact that paper has on our planet. If we can contribute to less trees being used we must be helping the future for our children. Secondly, electronic copies ensure that all families at least receive the information. There will be no more ‘lost’ sheets buried in the bottom of school bags or left sitting in book trays at school. Thirdly, use of the QKR app for payment ensures that there is a record of all transactions and no likelihood of money in envelopes being lost or unaccounted for. We understand this is a change of mindset and remembering to plan ahead for lunch orders etc will require some forward planning but it won’t take long to get into the habit. Your support and cooperation with this is appreciated.


Great Learning Time


One of the significant changes we have made this year is the restructure of our timetable in classrooms. We have always known that the best learning time occurs in the morning when children are fresh and most alert. We have organised our timetable with this in mind to provide for the optimum learning time for the children. Where possible we have moved our Specialist lessons to after recess and we have made every effort to keep this first period of the day free for uninterrupted learning in the classroom. Our music tutors and other allied health providers also commence their lessons after the recess break where at all possible. We have structured some extra in class support during the morning block as well to try and provide for maximum focus in literacy and numeracy activities. We are very committed to this process and ask your support in ensuring that your child arrives to school on time to commence the day. Late arrivals in classrooms are disruptive for the class as well as for the children who are late because they miss that very important morning routine which sets them up for a well-structured day. Our teachers really appreciate your support in having your child arrive on time and your children will also benefit from this. We understand that on the odd occasion things happen at home that cause an unavoidable late arrival.  In general this can be avoided by setting the alarm a little earlier. Thank you for your support in this matter. Have a great week.

James Meiksans