Week 3 Term 1 11th February 2020 ISSUE 2

Catholic Education South Australia

From the Principal

Welcome to Week 3. We have had such a positive start to the school year. The children are very settled and enthusiastic, the teachers are very focused and the parent community have been very engaged with the changes we have made to our teaching and learning program. All is set for a really exciting year of learning and new experiences.

As I shared last week we are trying our best to improve our communication channels so please find in this newsletter some important whole school dates that we ask you to take note of. If you take the time to read the newsletter, check the Skoolbag app regularly and have a Seesaw account for your child’s class then you are guaranteed not to miss a thing!

You will also notice that we are moving towards a fully electronic mode of communication with our families. There are a few reasons for this, firstly the environmental impact that paper has on our planet. If we can contribute to less trees being used we must be helping the future for our children. Secondly, electronic copies ensure that all families at least receive the information. There will be no more ‘lost’ sheets buried in the bottom of school bags or left sitting in book trays at school. Thirdly, use of the QKR app for payment ensures that there is a record of all transactions and no likelihood of money in envelopes being lost or unaccounted for. We understand this is a change of mindset and remembering to plan ahead for lunch orders etc will require some forward planning but it won’t take long to get into the habit. Your support and cooperation with this is appreciated.


Great Learning Time

One of the significant changes we have made this year is the restructure of our timetable in classrooms. We have always known that the best learning time occurs in the morning when children are fresh and most alert. We have organised our timetable with this in mind to provide for the optimum learning time for the children. Where possible we have moved our Specialist lessons to after recess and we have made every effort to keep this first period of the day free for uninterrupted learning in the classroom. Our music tutors and other allied health providers also commence their lessons after the recess break where at all possible. We have structured some extra in class support during the morning block as well to try and provide for maximum focus in literacy and numeracy activities. We are very committed to this process and ask your support in ensuring that your child arrives to school on time to commence the day. Late arrivals in classrooms are disruptive for the class as well as for the children who are late because they miss that very important morning routine which sets them up for a well-structured day. Our teachers really appreciate your support in having your child arrive on time and your children will also benefit from this. We understand that on the odd occasion things happen at home that cause an unavoidable late arrival. In general this can be avoided by setting the alarm a little earlier. Thank you for your support in this matter. Have a great week.

James Meiksans


From the Deputy Principal

At SFOA we play safely in Nature Play

At this week’s Assembly we spoke to students about our Nature Play area on the oval. Clearly our students really enjoy using this space and we have been trying to reinforce the safe and respectful use of this area. Last year we developed a set of 5 basic guidelines for using Nature Play and I share these with you in the hope that you might support your child/ren to understand and follow these:

  1. Nature belongs to everyone. We share nature.
  2. What we find in nature, stays in nature.
  3. We use sticks, stones and other materials safely.
  4. When carrying sticks, we walk only.
  5. We respect everyone and everything in nature.

We know that there are so many benefits gained from engaging in nature play on physical, emotional, social, intellectual and indeed spiritual levels. We want our children to be able to play in nature and reap the many benefits in store. Natural resources used in nature play areas are sometimes called “loose parts”. Loose parts are materials that can be moved, carried, combined, re-designed, lined up, and taken apart and put back together again in multiple ways” from let the children play blog 2011. With your support, we would like to increase our natural resources (loose parts) for children to use for nature play. Attached to this newsletter you will find a list of ‘resources’ to donate to your child’s classroom. Please take a look at this list and see if you can help us to gather a wide variety of resources for use in our school’s Nature Play area.  All donations will be gratefully received.

To conclude, I refer you to this statement from the Government organisation, NRM (Natural Resource Management), which outlines some of the advantages for our children in using natural objects:

  •  Natural materials stimulate children’s creativity and imagination as they can be used in play in many ways. For example a Sheoak pod can be a figurine in imaginative play, used for imprinting in mud or clay, or currency in a game. Natural objects with open-ended possibilities often encourage children to engage in richer play experiences.
  •  Natural materials have a sensory benefit. They have different textures, sizes, colours and smells. They provide more tactile stimulation to children to help them improve their hand/finger awareness and coordination.
  • Natural resources are accessible. They can be collected from backyards and natural settings (only taken from ground). The resources are renewable; their creation and disposal has minimal harm to the environment.
  •  Children are learning about nature and to be resourceful. With the support of interested adults, children are learning about their local environment and strengthening their sense of place.

Thanking you in anticipation of your support with our Nature Play area and collection of ‘loose parts’ for play.

Loose parts wish list

Belinda Burford

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From the Aprim

Welcome to a new school year. Across the school there has been an uplifting energy and excitement as we embrace our new school theme, ‘Shine Brightly and Reach for the Stars.’ As we reach for the stars in our learning, our relationships and with our own self-love it’s important to remember there is enough light for all of us.  God of Love is the primary source of light and ‘LOVE’ loves the light because it has nothing to hide or fear.  When we love, we are like the lamp on the stand – God’s goodness and mercy in us is seen by all.  Let us be mindful this year to not dim someone else’s light while shining ours instead be true Franciscans appreciating differences, encouraging and supporting each other to be the best version of ourselves.

2020 Mini Vinnies

Catholic Schools are such important partners for Vinnies.  Here at St Francis of Assisi School many of our Year 4 students look forward to the valuable opportunity to learn about and organise fundraising work for people in the community who are experiencing real disadvantage. The many donations of clothing, food, money and other essential items enabled Vinnies to help more than 135,000 people in need across South Australia who turned to them for help last year. Our efforts contributed to that support providing either immediate and emergency assistance or hope for a brighter future.

During week one Jayne Shortt, St Vincent de Paul’s Schools and Community Engagement Officer, visited our Year 4 students to show them an Vinnies educational presentation that was thought provoking and insightful.  A YouTube clip, ‘Vinnies Rebuilds Lives’ was shared showing a little girl’s story about her family’s homelessness and how they worked through the challenge. Students were invited to write an application letter to show their interest and reasons for wanting to be a 2020 Mini Vinnie. The letters I received were moving and heartfelt.  The students named below were chosen and will proudly wear a Mini Vinnie pin to show their commitment. The children want to make a difference and believe they have the enthusiasm, drive and power to make small changes through their actions this year.

Congratulations on your volunteering role as a Mini Vinnie:

Sofia, Valentino, Zachary, Allegra, Avah, Alexander, Tallulah, Oksana, Jane, Seth, Adrian, Jasmin, Massimo, Yolanda, Vinny, Joshua, Ashleen and Jad.

Family Masses in 2020

This year different year levels have been allocated a weekend Family Mass to lead.  The Masses occur on the first Sunday of each month at 5pm. The children have the opportunity to offer their services of reading, participating in the offertory procession, being an altar server or singing at the Mass.  Before each Family Mass at 4.15pm in the Bishop Kennedy room (above the Church foyer) there is activity time for children around the Gospel of the day and a short cartoon. 

Please add the dates to your diary:

Term 1: 1st March, (1st Sunday of Lent) Year 3, 4 and 5 classes (Sacramental Registration)

  5th April, (Palm Sunday) Year 1/2 classes

Term 2: 3rd May, Year 6 and Reception classes

              7th June, Year 3, 4 and 5 classes

              5th July, Year 1/2 classes

Term 3: 2nd August, Year 6 and Reception classes

              5th September, (Saturday 6pm) Year 3, 4 and 5 classes

Term 4: 1st November, (All Saints) Year 1/2 classes

              6th December, (Saint Nicholas) Year 6 and Reception classes


Josie Cochrane


SFOA Important Dates for 2020

Please find attached the SFOA Important School Calendar Dates for all of 2020.

This is an overview of the key dates for the year that are fixed for your reference.

SFOA Important Dates for 2020



Carnevale Day

Dear Families and Friends,

On Monday, 16th March (Week 8) we will be celebrating the Italian language and culture that we have been learning about in class with a Carnevale Day. This will include an exciting Carnevale Mask Parade! 

Please keep the date free.

Further details to come in the upcoming weeks.


Signora Rossi.



This message is to advise all parents and caregivers that parking in and around the school will be compromised this week due to the Church carpark being closed at different times. 

Please make every effort to be patient and courteous while trying to navigate for a parking space. 

We are asking all drivers to strictly observe the speed limit of 10kmh throughout the entire school grounds. 

We understand that it can be frustrating not to be able to access a park, especially when you have preschool siblings that you need to load in and out of the car. 

The 10 minute parks in the school grounds closest to the church should be priority parks for those with pre-school children and prams. 

We are doing our best to keep everyone safe and happy. Your cooperation is important in making this happen. 

If a staff member speaks to you about safe driving speeds please understand that we are only doing this in the best interest of keeping your child safe from harm.

Parking in non-designated areas on the basketball courts increases the risk for possible accidents. Please refrain from doing this at any time.

As the driver of your vehicle, you are in control and your positive and safe driver behaviour will support everyone to make better choices.


Your cooperation is appreciated.

James Meiksans


St Francis of Assisi School

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In valuing our Franciscan heritage of sustainability, the school’s communication, commencing 2020, will be constructed to eliminate/reduce the amount of paperwork being sent home.

While making some changes to achieve this, there will be no change to the importance & value of clear concise communication in the partnership between the school and parents/caregivers.


To ensure that you receive all the information that you require it is important that you have access to the following: -

  1. SKOOLBAG APP – how to download this is available in the school website  - www.sfoa.catholic.edu.au – news/events – Skoolbag.             
  2. SEESAW- class/student information access – information can be obtained from the class teacher as to how to access this.
  3. EMAIL: Please ensure that your email address is kept up to date. You can use the “contact us” – “Update information” email on the school website to update your email address or any other information.
  4. QKR APP: This is the app for making financial payments but also holds the forms associated with those payments, e.g. permission notes and order details. Details of how to  download the app is also on the school website – www.sfoa.catholic.edu.au – News/Events – QKR

While this sounds like a lot of things to look at, it can be easily managed.

Newsletter: The newsletter is published each fortnight and contains school happenings, school calendar, event updates and information from Leadership.

SeeSaw: A quick look at SeeSaw each day will provide you with any updates from your child’s teacher and information on his/her studies.

A Skoolbag notification will come up on your phone should the school need to advise you of information urgently or remind you of closing dates etc.

Emails: It is assumed that if you have an email address you check it on a regular basis and therefore any information sent to you via email will be read in a timely manner.  

Parent -Teacher and Teacher to Parent: Please be advised that teachers are not required to respond to emails, seesaw or any other form of communication before 8:30am or after 4.30pm on a school day or during holiday periods, including weekends.

If you wish to have a face to face conversation with your child’s Teacher, please make an appointment for this. Conversations in the classroom at drop off or pick up time, are not appropriate as the teacher cannot give you the required attention as they have students to attend to.  If you make an appointment, the conversation is focused, and the teacher can be prepared with any information you may require.

St Francis of Assisi School

January 2020


Enrolments for 2021

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

If you have a child due to start school in 2021 and have not submitted an enrolment form would you please do so by 17th February 2020. Enrolment interviews are now being finalised.

Enrolments for 2022 and beyond may also be submitted.

Please be aware that an application form is required even if you already have a child at the school. The application form can be collected from the Front Office or downloaded from our school's website. 


Carmel Spagnoletti

Enrolments Officer


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The Southern Cross Newsletter

Please follow the link to the latest edition of the Southern Cross 11/2/2020


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Calendar dates

School Calendar Dates

TERM 1 2020

Week 3

· Monday 10th February -  Assembly 2.30pm

· Tuesday 11th February - P&F meeting, 2.30pm 

· Tuesday 11th February - Volunteer Induction, 6pm

· Wednesday 12th February - Volunteer Induction 9.15am

· Friday 14th February - Community prayer, 8.55am - 4/5CP

Week 4

· Tuesday 18th February - Principal’s Tour, 9.15am.

· Friday 21st February - Community prayer, 8.55am - 4/5H

Week 5

· Tuesday 25th February - Shrove Tuesday pancakes

· Wednesday 26th February - Ash Wednesday Mass, 9.30am

· Wednesday 26th February - Project Compassion begins

· Friday 28th February - Community prayer, 8.55am - 3/4D

· Sunday 1st March - 1st Sunday of Lent Family Mass & Sacrament Commitment Mass for Yr 3/4s - 5pm

Week 6

· Monday 2nd March - Assembly 2.30pm

· Friday 6th March - Community prayer, 8.55am - 3MF


Future Dates

· Week 7 Student Free Day - Tuesday 10th March

· Week 8 Carnevale Day - 16th March, Year 5 Camp - 19th March

· Week 9 - Parent /Teacher Interviews
