Student Wellbeing

We believe learning happens best when a child's wellbeing is nurtured in a happy, safe environment. At St Francis of Assisi, we consider your child's and wellbeing a shared responsibility - from the Principal to the teachers and support staff. Behind your child stands a community working to ensure they are seen, heard and valued every day. 

Wellbeing encompasses a child's emotional and social state of mind, their engagement at school, positive relationships and experiences both in and outside of school. 

Our wellbeing initiatives include:

Wellbeing Room
The Wellbeing Room is a place where children can reset, calm down or take a break when needed. It can also provide a safe space for children to transition into the school day. During lunchtimes, Wellbeing Leaders lead lunchtime clubs in the Wellbeing Room. It can be used by children any time before or during school.

Wellbeing Leaders
Each class has two wellbeing leaders who lead lunchtime clubs in the Wellbeing Room, conduct class meetings and bring the student voice to meetings with school staff.

Wellbeing Week
At the beginning of the year, all students and classroom teachers spend a week focussing on their relationship with each other, establishing classroom routines, social skills and learning emotional regulation to ensure a supportive classroom environment for the year ahead. With all members of the class contributing, they will establish classroom agreements/code of conduct based on our school's values. These expectations will be displayed in the classroom and clearly communicated to all students and families.


Peaceful Kids
‘Peaceful Kids’ is a Mindfulness and Positive Psychology based program to lessen anxiety and stress and increase resilience in children. We offer this program to students who required extra support with resilience and managing anxiety. The program has been created to offer all children a developmentally appropriate program that gives children the skills, practice and support to utilise coping strategies that lessen the symptoms of anxiety and stress. The program also involves parental involvement and commitment to supporting the strategies at home. Our chaplain currently runs this program in small groups with students from Reception through to Year 6.


Rock and Water Program
The Rock and Water Program uses psycho-physical teaching methods is physical in nature and it uses games and exercises to stimulate the students abilities to develop wellbeing through strong physical and emotional awareness (mindfulness), mental strength (including practical and effective strategies for developing and maintaining positive mental health, reduction of anxiety, resilience) and social competency (communication skills, assertiveness, dealing with bullying, acceptance of others etc). Rock and Water is whole class program from Year 3-6 run at ​various times throughout the year. 


Program Achieve
This whole-school program aims to develop young people’s social and emotional capabilities, including confidence, persistence, organisation, getting along and emotional resilience.

Peer Mediators
We believe that students can support each other and be role models for
one another.  Peer Mediators support staff on duty with minor issues by assisting
other students to:

  • Identify feelings and their source
  • Observe, listen and reflect on the feelings of others
  • Take responsibility for the choices he/she has made
  • Reconcile with others

Peer Mediators are able to refer children back to the teacher on duty if required. 

Restorative Practices
We build and nurture respectful relationships using the principles of Restorative Justice, respectful relationships and encouraging personal accountability without blaming others. Restorative Practice assists teachers, students and parents to
build, maintain and restore relationships, helps to build capacity to enable students to self regulate behaviour and contributes to the improvement of learning outcomes. Our conflict resolution strategies rely on effective communication between all stakeholders and are designed to support students in developing appropriate behaviour choices. 

Restorative practices include:

  • Circle Time
  • Restorative chats (informal on the spot dialogue)
  • Restorative conversations (more formal dialogue with agreements in
  • Leadership led conversations with a strong restorative approach
  • Individual and group social skills programs